
This document explains how to deploy a StarRocks cluster using the Operator. Users can take these examples as references, and tailor them as necessary to fit the requirement. It primarily covers:

  1. Deploying a very simple StarRocks cluster
  2. Deploying a HA StarRocks cluster
  3. Deploying a StarRocks cluster with the CN component
  4. Deploying a StarRocks cluster with custom configurations
  5. Deploying a StarRocks cluster with persistent storage
  6. Deploying a StarRocks cluster running in shared_data mode
  7. Deploying a StarRocks cluster with the FE Proxy component
  8. Deploying a StarRocks cluster with all the above features
  9. Deploying a StarRocks cluster with BE capabilities


Some of the example YAML files need to be edited before using them. For example, the shared_data mode example needs editing to specify the shared data (MinIO, AWS, OSS, etc.) location and credentials. When editing these examples you will generally be editing ConfigMaps in the example file.