
Deploy Operator and StarRocks Cluster by kube-starrocks Chart

License Release Charts

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. A Helm Chart is a Helm package and contains all of the resource definitions necessary to run an application on a Kubernetes cluster. This topic describes how to use Helm to automatically deploy a StarRocks operator and cluster on a Kubernetes cluster.

Before you begin

Install kube-starrocks Chart

  1. Add the Helm Chart Repo for StarRocks. The Helm Chart contains the definitions of the StarRocks Operator and the custom resource StarRocksCluster.
    1. Add the Helm Chart Repo.

      helm repo add starrocks
    2. Update the Helm Chart Repo to the latest version.

      helm repo update starrocks
    3. View the Helm Chart Repo that you added.

      $ helm search repo starrocks
      NAME                                    CHART VERSION    APP VERSION  DESCRIPTION
      starrocks/kube-starrocks      1.8.0            3.1-latest   kube-starrocks includes two subcharts, starrock...
      starrocks/operator            1.8.0            1.8.0        A Helm chart for StarRocks operator
      starrocks/starrocks           1.8.0            3.1-latest   A Helm chart for StarRocks cluster
  2. Use the default values.yaml of the Helm Chart to deploy the StarRocks Operator and StarRocks cluster, or create a YAML file to customize your deployment configurations.
    1. Deployment with default configurations

      Run the following command to deploy the StarRocks Operator and the StarRocks cluster which consists of one FE and one BE:

      $ helm install starrocks starrocks/kube-starrocks
      # If the following result is returned, the StarRocks Operator and StarRocks cluster are being deployed.
      NAME: starrocks
      LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Aug 15 15:12:00 2023
      NAMESPACE: starrocks
      STATUS: deployed
      REVISION: 1
      TEST SUITE: None
    2. Deployment with custom configurations

      • Create a YAML file, for example, my-values.yaml, and customize the configurations for the StarRocks Operator and StarRocks cluster in the YAML file. For the supported parameters and descriptions, see the comments in the default values.yaml of the Helm Chart.
      • Run the following command to deploy the StarRocks Operator and StarRocks cluster with the custom configurations in my-values.yaml.

        helm install -f my-values.yaml starrocks starrocks/kube-starrocks

    Deployment takes a while. During this period, you can check the deployment status by using the prompt command in the returned result of the deployment command above. The default prompt command is as follows:

     $ kubectl --namespace default get starrockscluster -l "cluster=kube-starrocks"
     # If the following result is returned, the deployment has been successfully completed.
     kube-starrocks   running               running

    You can also run kubectl get pods to check the deployment status. If all Pods are in the Running state and all containers within the Pods are READY, the deployment has been successfully completed.

     $ kubectl get pods
     NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     kube-starrocks-be-0                        1/1     Running   0          2m50s
     kube-starrocks-fe-0                        1/1     Running   0          4m31s
     kube-starrocks-operator-69c5c64595-pc7fv   1/1     Running   0          4m50s

Upgrade kube-starrocks Chart

If you need to upgrade the StarRocks Operator and StarRocks cluster, run the following command:

helm upgrade -f my-values.yaml starrocks starrocks/kube-starrocks

Uninstall kube-starrocks Chart

If you need to uninstall the StarRocks Operator and StarRocks cluster, run the following command:

helm uninstall starrocks

Search Helm Chart maintained by StarRocks on Artifact Hub. See kube-starrocks.